torsdag 11 oktober 2007

Thursday - Exhibition day.

Today was the big D day, the day of the exhibition. The exhibition was held at Båtmanskassernen and we set up our booth in the far back of the hall. We had some difficulties with the programming and with the projectors, but by the time of the opening we had it all up and running.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The final experience was quite different from the original idea, being more simple and we had to explain to the visitors what the concept behind it was and what was actually behind the curtains. Some of the visitors were really chatty and had a lot of questions and feedback. We also presented our project to our instructors for this module, and they seemed to like the concept although they felt it was a shame we couldn't deliver it.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

In the end, it seemed like our projected just ended up being a cool cinema room.

It was also very nice to witness and try out the other groups things in the flesh, we'd heard about their concepts before this, but it was very different to actually to see what they presented. Everyone was very curious about each others' stuff and at the end of the day, everyone had seen everything.

We still have the evaluation for tomorrow, but as far as I'm concerned we're finished with this module. And although it didn't reach our initial goal, we sure did get a lot of useful experience for later modules and work.

onsdag 10 oktober 2007


It's allready dark outside, but still it feels like you'v just jumped out of your pyjamas.
It might be because our planet have suddenly decieded to move faster, but let's face it.. That can't be the answer, so I'll just blame my group! It's you'r fault my days have started to go faster, and yes I know how you are capable to make such a great and evil plan!
You are simple a good group that are doing your best eventhough things isn't turning out very well all the time, but still you are doing the best of the situation. And maybe the biggest reason, you are all very kind, maybe too much sometimes. Or is it just me? not willing to let the doctor touch me.. ?

The afternoon started out quite well.. NOT. The monter collapsed, Flash wasn't willing to cooperate anymore and maybe the worst and most annoying part of the day, the projector.
Since we had two diffeent kind of projectors, we knew from the beginning this would be a problem even with two of the same kind. But now we had to change the resolution and alot of other settings. But after lots of hours a projector of the same the kind that we had fell down from the sky, and yes we are saved and at least finished with the prototype. Tomorrow is the big exhibition day!

tisdag 9 oktober 2007


Well.. we are almost there and now the pressuere really feels within the group and a bit frustration about the project didnt really get where we wanted it.

I think everybody in our group has learned that you have to see over the technique more and the whole process and dont get to over your head about all the surroundings and maybee keep it simple.

On the other side i am really proud about the group and the groupwork has worked really great in my opinion, especially in the exhibition hall when we build our monter.

Now there is more time to loose so i must go and work..

See ya all at the opening!

måndag 8 oktober 2007


Three days left for the exhibition, I think everyone is a bit nervous. Some groups have come quite long in their projects and some other not. I hope everyone will come out with the results they wished for.
Today has been a day with a lot of building and climbing and running around looking for things that’s missing. Our monitor right now looks like a dumpster, but hopefully we will manage to get it in shape until Thursday! The class is very helpful I think if you think about how stressed out everyone is.
The building team has been rather irritated today. One is trying to quit with his nicotine addiction and one have some problem with itching eyes, and I got mad because everything a have put up today fell down. But I think we managed to not affect the rest of the group pretty good. Otherwise, Sorry guys! ☺

lördag 6 oktober 2007

Building building

Yeah now the gates to båtsmans has opened !

Me and Kim are responsible for the exhibition area and we are going to start build tommorow.
The hard part with this is that we arent going to get the projectors until wednesday so it will be really confusing about how we should place them to get the result we are after.

So the checklist for the sunday is.

  • Build a great display for our product to be shown on!

It will be really fun to see all of us working our asses of with the exhibition because the opening isn´t that far away from now.

Now i need some good nights sleep to have the power to be builder bob tommorow!

torsdag 4 oktober 2007

Today work progressed steadily. The magizine brief was finished and sent to the other group. And we have also recieved their magazine brief.

Besides that, several short animated movies are currently in the making for the final Emotional Impressions room.

Everyone's worked fairly individually with their own task, and everyone is very motivated to get this done in time and with the best possible result. We are all working very hard and I'm looking forward to seeing the final thing.

Hope everyone out there had a good Cinnamonroll-day and we hope to see you at the exhibition date!

onsdag 3 oktober 2007

The day started out very well, after an extended follow-up group meeting at båtsmanskasernen where we talked alot about how much pressure we have on us and that it ends in stress. Even though we were a tight team before we are alot closer now and I guess we will get closer in the end awell.

I also think some of us got a little reminder, and will therefore work and act in a different way to achieve even more!
It's also a big relief that we have built a prototype over the project room in one of the cells in Häktet. This means we can start trying out our product or experience as we call it. It will be alot safer, since we will have a little clue of how it might look like and work.

tisdag 2 oktober 2007

Bob the Builder is our influence

Hi! So this was the big material day! While Emil and Kim visited Beijers for wood and plastic pipes me and Carin went to Åhlens to get our hands on some white oilcloth. We've also been promised two projectors from the guys managing the projector sponsorships! Progress made!

Basically all we have to do now is assemble the construction and get something to show with the projectors together... Shouldn't be too hard in a week right? Except we can't enter the exhibition room until saturday. Yeah yeah we will set up a prototype instead!

We are getting along well in the group, however me and the other people in the Exhibition Crew is having a hard time finding a print company for our posters. Now when we at last have awesome posters we haven't got anywhere to print them! That needs to be solved, and hopefully we will tomorrow! You can see the poster made by Fredrik Zirath and Kim Jerbo above.

Before I'm off to tonight's sketch workshop I would like to send a get well wish to Tilde who is sick today! Hope to see you back in action soon!

måndag 1 oktober 2007

Rough Rugged & Raw!

Today we all got gritty with afx again. And tomorrow byggarebob and byggarebeng will travel to the warehouse / container / random to get some wood for our framing.

A screenshot from the intro part of our film.

torsdag 27 september 2007


Just a few photos of the group work and the process.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Brainstorming and planning.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Emil is making a rough idea sketch.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

This is from Båtmans kassernen, the exhibition building, we went to check it out and tried to plan out a possible exhibition booth or installation.

How about surround?

New day, new ideas! Yesterday our project was all about drumming up cool visual effects on a screen. We experimented with video recordings, actionscript and all kind of shapes and animations, but after a tech support meeting we decided that we didn't want to stay in the last century.

In fact, we are not pleased with this century neither. Our new goal is to create an experience beyond the usual. Surround sound systems are fancy, so are projectors. The combination is beyond fancy - it is the future!

We will build a room with projectors pointed at each wall. Imagine a person moving around in the room. The movements will be tracked by a camera and depending on where in the room the person is, different videos, pictures and animations will be showed on the walls. Add surround sound and music and the concept is complete. Imagine yourself running through the rain forest with chittering monkeys around you, or maybe swimming at the bottom of the sea. All of this - possible in our surround room!

onsdag 26 september 2007

Day2 Preparations

We started off at 10 with a feedback session hosted by 2 students from bm06. Probably important to all of us. This was followed by an eaven more rewarding internal feedback and planning meeting at 11 where we went thru peoples expectations and ambitions regarding the project. It seems that right now everyones on the same path and highly motivated to regain what selfconfidence we lost in the warmup project.

Projectplanning hub is up at
Funny url cause my hosts dns is down.

tisdag 25 september 2007

Day one

This was the first day of the project, we got to work with Video and are supposed to invent something new with a webcam. Tricky, tricky!
We started of by discussing some things about how to begin and Erik volunteered to be the project leader, and I think he will do a great job structure things up. Today we are researching to get inspiration for the actual brainstorm tomorrow, and I think I speak for everyone in the group when I say that this was a really good way to get some ideas. During the discussion we cleared the air a bit, and at least I feel now that we can be honest with each other within the group. And I think that will help us in the project process, it will get us more effective.
I feel very eager to get this project started and to make a good work of this thing!