torsdag 11 oktober 2007

Thursday - Exhibition day.

Today was the big D day, the day of the exhibition. The exhibition was held at Båtmanskassernen and we set up our booth in the far back of the hall. We had some difficulties with the programming and with the projectors, but by the time of the opening we had it all up and running.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The final experience was quite different from the original idea, being more simple and we had to explain to the visitors what the concept behind it was and what was actually behind the curtains. Some of the visitors were really chatty and had a lot of questions and feedback. We also presented our project to our instructors for this module, and they seemed to like the concept although they felt it was a shame we couldn't deliver it.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

In the end, it seemed like our projected just ended up being a cool cinema room.

It was also very nice to witness and try out the other groups things in the flesh, we'd heard about their concepts before this, but it was very different to actually to see what they presented. Everyone was very curious about each others' stuff and at the end of the day, everyone had seen everything.

We still have the evaluation for tomorrow, but as far as I'm concerned we're finished with this module. And although it didn't reach our initial goal, we sure did get a lot of useful experience for later modules and work.

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